Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Salon Day

Last week I took Marlie to have her hair done for the first time at a Salon. For the past 4 years I've been the one trimming her hair. Once I suggested the idea, she couldn't wait to go. Like she was born to be pampered or something. And I kind of think she was.

I worried about her getting scared while she got her hair washed or with the hair dryer. Let's face it, even Mama doesn't own a hair dryer, so she's NEVER seen one or heard one before.

Miss Robin (Marlie's hairstylist) suggested I bring in Marlie a few days prior to the appointment to meet her and get a tour of the salon. Obviously Miss Robin had worked with kids before. She knew exactly how to make Marlie feel special.

On the day of the appointment, I brought an eager Marlie in to the salon. She was ready to be pampered!

First she got her hair washed.


Then she got her hair combed through.


Then they dried it with the hair dryer. Love her expression as she watched in the mirror.


Then it was time for the flat iron. I had never seen Marlie with straight hair before.


After she had pin-straight hair, Miss Robin gave her hair a trim. Then my little princess was finished and ready for the camera!





I bought the salon recommended flat iron and a hair dryer with comb attachment so I can recreate the look at home, or at least attempt to recreate it. Ladies and gentlemen... at the age of 35, I finally have a hair dryer. The first in my adulthood. *takes a bow*

Now if I could just figure out how to turn the darn thing on...

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